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Delivery fees are not included in the product’s price presented on the site. The purchaser is obliged to pay them in addition to the product. The shipping cost will be included in the payment fund.
If you request a refund, the amount returned to the buyer will be the product’s price, not including the delivery fee.
The product’s supply date received by the delivery company is within 5–14 business days. The buyer may cancel a deal within 14 days of purchase. This is provided that the product is returned in its original packaging with the original labels/box/packaging to the physical store or by shipping. Every customer that purchases an item on the Freehand website declares full awareness of the terms and conditions mentioned and that they will not have any complaints and/or demands other than complaints related to violations of these by-laws. If an item that you have purchased has run out of stock, you’ll receive an email. Freehand would love to help you find an alternative product. Of course, if you decide to refuse our offers, the deal will be canceled without a cancellation fee. Product prices include VAT. If the order is placed with incorrect details, we cannot guarantee you’ll receive it. If your order is returned to us, you’ll be charged the shipping fees.

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